Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Small Batch Parti-gyle

So all-grain brewing is a mystery... too complicated... takes to much equipment or perhaps you're confused about how a parti-gyle brew session works. Not so fast my friend! In the video I demonstrate just how easy counter top all-grain brewing can be. I purposefully skipped being too detailed in the how and exactly why of what is going on in the video because that information is available in spades across the net.

Also this is intended as entertainment as much as it is informative. Hopefully it's at least a minor success in both regards.

What you need to know, this is my first parti-gyle brew of any size. I read Randy Mosher's informative article available here, Click Here The three tables Randy provides are extremely helpful as they address several areas one needs to address when attempting a split batch/parti-gyle estimating O.G., estimated extract, & estimated color.

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